High Quality Hay For Horses, Sheep, Llama's, Alpaca's, Goats and Cows, Hay Huts, and Wool Products
Mission Statement
To Leave Our Land Better Than We Found It
To Give A Wonderful Life To Those In Our Care
Directions To Our Farm
From Sturbridge/Springfield:
•Take Route 20 East
•Turn Left onto Center Depot Road (CVS will be on your right)
•Stay on Center Depot Road - go straight through intersection at Stafford street
•Come to intersection with Ronnies - Ice Cream/Fish Fry Restaurant On Left
- go right onto H.K. Davis Road
•Farm is 1/2 mile up on the right - on the sharp corner, white house with barns
to the right of the house.
From Auburn/Boston:
•Take Route 20 West
•Take Right onto Center Depot Road, this is the second right after the median forms in the road, CVS is on the left side and Southbridge Savings Bank is on the right
•Take a right onto H.K. Davis Road - directly across from Ronnies Restaurant
•Farm is 1/2 mile up on the right - on the sharp corner, it is a white house with barns to the right of the house