High Quality Hay For Horses, Sheep, Llama's, Alpaca's, Goats and Cows, Hay Huts, and Wool Products
Mission Statement
To Leave Our Land Better Than We Found It
To Give A Wonderful Life To Those In Our Care
Spring On Our Farm
Our lambs are born in the early spring, making it our busiest time of year. We lamb in our winter hay storage barn. We convert the wide, open space of the barn into lambing pens, birthing areas, milk bottle racks, creep feeds, and mixing pens. Here the lambs and their moms receive individual care and attention – before, during and after their birth. We make rounds through our lambing barn every 2 hours 24/7 until the last mom has given birth and the last lamb is strong and healthy.
While in the barn and during the transition to fresh spring grasses, both moms and lambs receive a small amount of carefully selected, local grain. Moms need this extra energy and nutrition as they give everything they have to their lambs, leaving no reserves for themselves. The lambs need this until their rumen is developed and able to utilize hay and grasses. Most of our lambs are twins or triplets, creating competition for mom’s milk. To make sure no lamb is ever hungry we provide the grain and milk replacer free choice to just the lambs in a creep feed.
The lambs and moms are fed our own 1st and 2nd cut hay free choice. The 1st cut fills their bellies and gives them the fiber they need while providing good nutrition. The 2nd cut is a finer hay with higher protein, less fiber and a higher nutrient content. Once they are big enough and depending on what kind of spring weather we are having, the lambs go out with their moms onto our beautiful hay fields.
As lambing finishes up, Kevin shifts his focus to repairs and maintenance of the tractors and hay equipment. We usually begin cutting hay on Memorial Day weekend, just doing a few acres. This gives us a good test run with all the equipment and gives our customers the hay they are getting desperate for as their winter storage runs out.